Handling a deceased estate cleanup

Clear Path team packing a kitchen in a deceased estate clearing

Handling a deceased estate cleanup can be overwhelming and stressful. It is never easy to lose a loved one, no matter the cause of their passing, it is a painful process that can feel neverending. When it comes to cleaning out the deceased personal belongings it can get even harder. Here is an idea of…

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Behind the scenes with Marylou Bawden

Photograph of Marylou Bawden and Janet Gerike

Janet chats with Marylou Bawden, owner and founder of Clear Path Senior and Speciality Move Managers, and explores her journey of building a successful business. Marylou tells us what motivated her to start the business, who inspires her, and what satisfies her soul. Finally, we hear what song she is dancing to in the quick-fire…

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Clearing estate over Zoom

Clearing a deceased estate on behalf of loved ones is one of the more frequent projects that we tackle. It is at a particularly trying time for the family and having a professional person empathetically take over the job of sorting the possessions relieves a tremendous burden for the family.

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Clearing a deceased estate

For families dealing with the grief of losing a loved one, the process of handling the sorting and dispersal of a deceased estate can be emotional and physically exhausting. For families living out of the area, finding the time and resources makes it even more challenging.

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Clearing the way with Clear Path Senior Services

When Marylou Bawden’s, owner of newly launched Clear Path Senior Services, mother-in-law began the process of clearing out her home of 50 plus years, she was fortunate to have her family to help her. This, however, raised a question for Bawden – how do seniors cope with stressful events such as downsizing, sorting and moving house?

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