Heirloom for one; clutter for another

Heirlooms or clutter with Clear Path professional organisers

Heirlooms hold memories and family connections for one person but for another, it may just become an item to clutter their home. But you can find a middle ground between honouring the person who bequeathed it and maintaining a clutter-free home. We collect so much during our lives and sometimes we cling to possessions in…

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5 ways to Help Your Parent Transition to a Senior Living Village

Transition parents to retirement village with Clear Path

Moving is one of the three most stressful events in one’s life and it doesn’t get easier with age; if anything, it gets harder and more stressful. Not only will your parents be going through the change of moving home, but their routines will also change. They may not continue to have as easy access…

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Clearing the way with Clear Path Senior Services

When Marylou Bawden’s, owner of newly launched Clear Path Senior Services, mother-in-law began the process of clearing out her home of 50 plus years, she was fortunate to have her family to help her. This, however, raised a question for Bawden – how do seniors cope with stressful events such as downsizing, sorting and moving house?

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